The idea of CODFI was conceived in 1991 during a Contact Dermatitis symposium organized at Jhansi by Dr(s). JS Pasricha, AK Bajaj, Dr. DC Govil., and SC Sharma got together and decided to form a group of dermatologists interested in the field of contact dermatitis. The idea took a more concrete shape at Manipal in 1993 where the name "Contact and Occupational Dermatoses Forum of India (CODFI)" was suggested by Late Dr. SC Sharma of GTB Hospital, New Delhi . CODFI was finally registered as an association in 1993 at New Delhi with the support of Mr. PK Datta of Systopic Labs. Pvt. Ltd.
Dr. JS Pasricha was elected as the Founder President, Dr. AK Bajaj as the Vice President and Dr. Hemangi Jerajani as the secretary. Other founder members who attended the first meeting were Dr. NC Sethi, Dr. SC Sharma, Dr. Raj Kubba and Dr. CR Srinivas. They were soon joined by the other pioneers Dr. VK Sharma and Dr. A Lonkar. Gradually the ranks swelled over the years with the joining of Dr(s). YC Minocha, Dr. Dinesh Mathur, DS Krupashankar, KK Verma, Sanjeev Handa, Alka Dogra, SD Shenoi, DM Thapa, NL Sharma and recently Sanjay Ghosh.
Significant achievements of CODFI over the years include the organization of several workshops and symposia in various cities of India to sensitize dermatologists regarding patch testing. The launch of the Indian Standard Series (ISS) patch test kit by Dr. A K Bajaj at the Guwahati conference in January 1997 was another. These antigens were prepared with the input of all the members while the chambers for patch testing were designed and made available by the efforts of Dr. VK Sharma. A trial kit of Cosmetic Series was also released by Dr. A K Bajaj in 1999. Another landmark milestone in the history of CODFI was the holding of APEODS at Mumbai in Dec 1999 by Dr. Hemangi Jerajani.
Since its inception CODFI has been making slow but steady progress. The number of life members has gone up and significant research work has been published from India in national and international journals in the area of contact dermatitis. Our members have been invited to deliver guest lectures during APEODS in Singapore , Korea , and the Philippines. Dr. VK Sharma, another past president, has been on the Editorial board of "Dermatitis" journal, previously known as American Journal of Contact Dermatitis.
At the last annual executive committee meeting held in Hyderabad in February 2006 under the Chairmanship of Dr. VK Sharma a landmark decision was taken to open membership of CODFI to all the members of Indian Association of Dermatologists Venereologists and Leprologists. It was also decided at that meeting to hold a conference; to be called CODFICON, every two years. Publishing a newsletter of CODFI to keep the fraternity abreast with the latest in the field of contact dermatitis was also proposed at the meeting.
Dr. NK Mathur had a Pivotal role in development of contact dermatitis speciality in the area of Rajasthan and Jaipur along with is colleague doctor Dinesh Mathur, doctor Dinesh Mathur organized five times annual conferences of contact and occupational dermatosis forum of India at pink city Jaipur earlier there used to be very thin attendance but gradually with the developing interest of dermatologist fraternity contact and occupational dermatologist forum of India developed slowly and steadily under the patronage of doctor JS pasricha doctor AK Bajaj and other pioneers mentioned above. One milestone to be mentioned here.
Dr Dinesh Mathur was installed as president of contact in occupational dermatologist forum of India in the national conference held at all India institute of medical sciences New Delhi in the year 2019.
Dr. Sethuraman G
Dr. Sanjay Kanodia
Dr. V K Sharma
Dr. Neetu Bhari
Dr. Pk Srivastva
Dr. Yasmeen Bhat
Dr. Sanjeev Handa Chandigarh
Dr. Syed Mubashir